Tuesday 31 May 2011

Really Dude?!

The shop that I work at as a casual has these super awesome doors that you can stack up on one end so that when the shop is quiet you can sit on your chair and watch the world go by... what I usually like to look at is what people wear. It can be the most depressing thing at times (because I sometimes get envious at some people's gorgeous clothes), it can be the most disgusting thing at times (because I once saw a women come to the mall FOUR days in a row wearing the same silver sequined top. I kid you NOT!), and it can also be the most entertaining thing at times (I saw a ladies heel break right in front of my shop!).

Well today was kind of a mixture of all three.....

I saw a guy.....of about 50 YEARS OLD.....wearing the following outfit:
(I wish I could've snapped a picture but I am NOT trying to get myself fired and unfortunately my job title is not photographer or blog-obssessor. So instead I tried to gather pictures and recreate the look as best I could).

Yup, that was the look :) except I think you could almost see his butt cheeks peeking out from under those shorts!!

Does anybody know of any stylist that's looking for a job? I think I may have found your next client ;)
wink wink

Monday 30 May 2011

Gimme Gimme Gimme!!!!

So as I have previously mentioned in my profile description, I have a HUGE obsession with shopping!!!! I would use every single cent that I have on incredible shoes, beautiful dresses, and pretty handbags. Sadly, I am very much aware that this is unrealistic (although I wish I wasn't aware of this) and therefore have had to resort to looking but not buying (boohoo!!!).

So in my depressed state, I stalked the Chanel website and saw these SUPER SEXY handbags  that I so desperatly want but so depressingly cannot afford...... sigh... life.


Jersey Classic Flap Bag with Piping and Haute Couture Inspired Lion Head Clasp

Quilted Calfskin Tote with Retro Chain and Leather Strap

Quilted Iridescent Calfskin Tote, Embellished with Interlaced Chains and Retro Turnlock 

Quilted Lambskin Classic Handbag with an Interlaced Chain

P.S. how much do you love me???? (a.k.a GET ME ONE NOW!)

Friday 27 May 2011

I am clearly NOT a mother!

Last Night I had the privilege of babysitting two absolutely adorable kiddies with Andrew :)
Sophia (8 years) and Ben (3 years) are Andrew's cousin's kids.
Still not sure how the family thing works (second cousins?).

They are totally sweet and playful and SUPER well behaved. It was a very new experience for me as this was my first time babysitting but I guess I kinda enjoyed it.  
Sophia has the intelligence of a 20 year old and for bedtime SHE read stories to ME (Note Picture) !!!
Andrew and I also had quite a surprise when we discovered that Ben had to wear a nappy to bed and we both had absolutely no idea how to put one on!!!!
We ended up putting it on backwards! and without Sophia being "miss smarty-pants" and telling us we had it all wrong, we probably would have been none the wiser :) and I forgot that they had to brush their teeth before bed and wee and all those little preperation things that kids need to do. SIGH! I CLEARLY AM NOT A MOTHER!

So after our little dumb moments, we had to resort to singing songs to Ben in order for him to fall asleep, and then I patted Sophia's head as we put her to bed. Yeah, I know. I PATTED HER HEAD! How awkward!!! She was probably thinking in her 20 year old brain "WTFreak lady?!"  

Siiiiiiigh Life. Hopefully next time (if there is such a thing) I'll kick ass at all that motherly stuff.

pat pat pat ;) and goodbye xxx

Thursday 26 May 2011

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To Grieve or not to Grieve...

So today in my Latter Prophets lecture I was seriously challenged by the topic of discussion that occured in class: How we should help those who are hurt and suffering to move forward into a process of healing. yeah, i know, intense stuff right?!

So the lecturer focused on a reading by Walter Brueggemann (a super smart theologian) who pretty much says that the world we live in is one where people are never allowed to grieve. We don't ever give them a chance to grieve their hurts, to grieve their situations and to grieve their losses.

You see, most of the time we are concerned with this thing called 'comfort' because that's the good thing right? It's the thing that tells people that its going to be okay, that they must move on, and then whoever provides this comfort then superficially walks away giving themselves a pat on the back for having done their deed for the day. NOT COOL!

I am intensely challenged by the fact that we need to move away from this process of thought and actually walk beside somebody, allowing them to grieve, and grieving with them. The only way to truely be transformed is to allow the grieving process to occur. We need to allow an expression for hurts, we need to offer our own experiences of hurt (showing the person that we too have suffered), and then we need to offer support to them throughout this process.

Above all else, we need to remind people (and sometimes even ourselves) that Jesus has suffered too, and that through our moments of suffering and hurt, he can relate to our situations and is right beside us showing us the way forward. I really believe that this is the very thing that can cause intense healing to begin, which is really what our world today needs.

Peace and Love xxx   

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Granny's got some goooooood clothes :)

One random day when I was so OVER every item of clothing in my cupboard and was also extremely broke, I decided to raid my grans cupboard for some yummy vintage clothes....
I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered some lovely knits for winter that were extremely oversized, but UBER comfy! They totally work just paired with some nice leggings and a pretty scarf and I absolutely LOVE the gold and silver buttons on the above 2 jerseys. SUPER CUTE!!!!!! You dont find such amazing little details around often. Oh, and my grans sister had on this INCREDIBLY STYLISH purple blazer with gold button details last week. Now I just gotta convince her that she doesn't in fact need this jacket and that I, on the other hand, DESPERATELY DO!!  ;)

So my task for you all today is:

GO RAID GRANNIES CUPBOARD!!!!!!!!! (Lucky for me my gran lives with her two sisters so I have THREE cupboards to raid ;) ) FABU-LOH-SO!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

I Knead you to need me ;)

What an AMAZING little cafe this is! The obsession with this cute little place in Palmyra Junction (also Muizenburg) started with our Old Testament Latter Prophets lecturer (a very handsome German man. wink wink ) bringing us coffee and chocolate croissants when the whole class (of 4 people) was having a lame and deppressing day one Thursday morning. It takes us less than 5 minutes to get here from our college building which equals SUPER convenient and Andrew (my bf) LOVES coffee so naturally this became our go-to place!
Make an effort to get there!
You won't be disappointed!

Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair!!!!! - Susan Polis Schutz

Good Morning !!!!!
I thought that some beautiful flowers would be appropriate for this lovely morning to brighten up everybodies day :)
There's nothing like the smell of lovely flowers and the prettiness they bring to a room.
And like this really smart guy says:
Flowers are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world. - Ralph Waldo Emersen, 1844.
LOVE IT!!!!!
Now go out and get some flowers! (btw I like daisies if anybody's interested in getting me some?!)

Monday 23 May 2011

histoire d'amour de parfum

Pure - DKNY
Vintage - Kate Moss

Wear perfume wherever you want to be kissed - Coco Chanel

Daisy - Marc Jacobs

      One of my friends in High School once said that she always    wanted a perfume that would leave a lingering and intriguing   scent as she walked by. Something that people will remember you by. 

This started my obsession with smelling good. I absolutely ADORE perfumes and anything that smells amazing! Above are a few favourites.

We all deserve to be spoilt with a beautiful, expensive perfume! And for a tip on how to make it work for you, follow Coco Chanel's advice. She built a multi-million dollar empire! She should know what she's talking about!
(wink & cheeky smile) LOL!

Happy Birthday!!!!

Today is the birth of this new baby blog :)

I have sooooo many new experiences and fantastic loves to share with you!
I definitely hope that this will eventually grow to be a fully mature adult blog :)

Champagne anyone?
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